Scaling Up Assessment for you and your leadership team

Insightful report to grow faster, easier and with more fun.


See what stage of growth you are in and where opportunities exist.

Action Items

See where you and your team can improve quickly.


See how you are doing relative to others.

For who and why?

The team version of the Scaling Up Assessment is designed specifically for leadership teams of organizations with between 10 and 250 employees who want to grow faster, easier and with more fun.

Insightful report

  • What are the key opportunities and challenges?
  • Where are the real obstacles?
  • What has priority?
  • How are we doing relative to others?
  • How are we doing compared to last time?

With the team version, all leadership team members complete the questionnaire so scores can be benchmarked with a peer group and with the leadership team.



"It reflects well where you stand as LT, also in relation to others. A concrete conversation piece to determine together what the real challenges are that you need to work on. Enlightening!

"What a good test for our team! Hurts a little at times but we can really do something with this."

"Never had all the "buttons" in one view so clearly and distinctly."

"Provides a lot of recognition and real eye-openers and quickly gives a good overview of what I and my LT need to do in the coming period."

"Valuable test! Based on the questions alone, it gave insights and awareness of things I need to start picking up."

"We have many things well in place but there is also a lot of work to do."

The advantages of the Scaling Up Assessment

Verne Harnish, founder of Scaling Up and the Entrepreneurs' Organization, about the advantages of the Scaling Up Assessment.

Get on the same page with your management


Buy the Assessment


Complete the Assessment


Grow faster, easier and with more fun

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Assessment voor ondernemer/CEO

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Assessment voor ondernemer/CEO en management team

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